List of merchants
Use the Merchants API to retrieve information details on a merchant account set up on FlexFactor.
Prerequisites to invoke this API:
Authenticate and send the bearer token for this call.
HTTP Method | GET |
Endpoint - Sandbox | |
Endpoint - Production | |
Authentication | Bearer Token |
This API doesn't require body parameters.
General response parameters
| string | Unique identifier for the account. |
| string | Merchant ID. |
| string | Name of the company. |
| string | Legal name of the entity. |
| string | Doing Business As (DBA) name of the company. |
| string | Type of the business entity, |
| string | Company's website URL. |
| string | Description of the company. |
| string | Special terms related to the merchant account. |
| string | Merchant Category Code. |
| string | Industry type, |
| integer | Numerical status of the account |
| string | Name of the status, |
| object | Contains customer support details like name, email, phone, and support link. |
| datetime | Timestamp of when the account was created. |
| object | Contains merchant's primary contact's first name, last name, email, and phone. |
| object | Contains developer contact information. |
| object | Contains banking details like account type, masked account and routing numbers. |
| array of objects | Contains information about sites associated with the merchant. |
| integer | Timezone of the merchant, represented as an offset from UTC in minutes. |
| string | Language preference of the merchant. |
| string | Name of the timezone, |
Customer Support Information
| string | Name of the customer support contact. |
| string | Email address for customer support. |
| string | Phone number for customer support. |
| string | URL to customer support webpage. |
Primary Contact
| string | First name of the merchant's primary contact. |
| string | Last name of the merchant's primary contact. |
| string | Email address of the merchant's primary contact. |
| string | Phone number of the merchant's primary contact. |
Developer Contact
| string | First name of the developer contact. |
| string | Last name of the developer contact. |
| string | Email address of the developer contact. |
| string | Phone number of the developer contact. |
Bank Account Information
| string | Type of bank account, e.g., Checking, Savings. |
| string | Full bank account number. |
| string | Masked version of the account number. |
| string | Full routing number for the bank account. |
| string | Masked version of the routing number. |
| boolean | Indicates whether the bank account is verified by FlexFactor. |
| string | Name of the bank. |
| string | required | Unique identifier for the site. |
| string | required | Name of the site. |
| string | required | Descriptor of the site. |
| string | required | City associated with the site descriptor. |
| string | required | Name of the site-specific customer support contact. |
| string | required | Email address for site-specific customer support. |
| string | required | Phone number for site-specific customer support. |
| string | required | URL to site-specific customer support webpage. |
| array of strings | optional | List of whitelisted URLs for the site. |
| array of strings | optional | Tags associated with the site. |
A 'Site' is a unique online entity within a merchant's account. Key attributes include:
- multiple URLs: Each site can be linked to several web addresses, accommodating diverse online facets of a business.
- multiple Tags: Sites can be labeled with various tags for easy categorization and identification.
- unique FlexFactor Descriptor: Each site is distinguished by a specific FlexFactor descriptor, ensuring unique identification within the system.
- dedicated Customer Support Info: Sites have individual customer support details, including contact name, email, phone number, and a support link, enabling tailored customer service for each site.
Payload examples
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: abc123def456' \ //replace with bearer returned by /oauth2
--header 'accept: application/json'
"accountId": "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef",
"mid": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"companyName": "Example Corporation",
"legalEntityName": "Example Corporation Legal",
"dba": "Example Corp",
"type": "Limited Liability Company",
"website": "",
"description": "A sample description of Example Corporation.",
"specialTerms": "Special terms and conditions apply.",
"mcc": "1234",
"industry": "Software and IT Services",
"status": 0,
"statusName": "INACTIVE",
"customerSupportInformation": {
"customerSupportName": "Example Support",
"customerSupportEmail": "[email protected]",
"customerSupportPhone": "+12345678901",
"customerSupportLink": ""
"createdOn": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"primaryContact": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "0123456789"
"developerContact": {
"developerFirstName": "Jane",
"developerLastName": "Smith",
"developerEmail": "[email protected]",
"developerPhone": "0987654321"
"bankAccountInformation": {
"ddaType": "Savings",
"accountNumber": "1234567890",
"maskedAccountNumber": "xxxxx1234",
"routingNumber": "987654321",
"maskedRoutingNumber": "xxxxx4321",
"bankAccountVerified": true,
"bankName": "Example Bank"
"sites": [
"id": "ab12cd34-ef56-gh78-ij90-kl12mn34op56",
"name": "Example Site",
"descriptor": "ExampleDescriptor",
"descriptorCity": "Example City",
"customerSupportName": "Alice",
"customerSupportEmail": "[email protected]",
"customerSupportPhone": "+10987654321",
"customerSupportLink": "",
"whitelistedUrls": [""],
"tags": ["Example", "Sample", "Demo"]
"timezone": 60,
"language": "en",
"timezoneName": "Atlantic/Azores"
Updated 15 days ago