GET /orders to retrieve the status of a multiple orders at once.
This endpoint allows to retrieve a listing of orders processed by FlexFactor, filtering the results by criteria such as date ranges, order statuses, or specific customer details.
It's commonly used for reconciliation across merchants.
Required key
| The auth token returned by /oauth2/token |
Query fields
The following fields can be included in the API request to filter orders based on specific criteria:
| String | optional | A search term used to query orders based on various attributes such as merchant name or payer name. |
| Int32 | optional | An array of integers representing the order statuses to filter by. |
| DateTime | optional | The starting date and time for the range of orders to retrieve. |
| DateTime | optional | The ending date and time for the range of orders to retrieve. |
| String | optional | Merchant ID used to filter orders by specific merchants. |
| String | optional | The field by which to order the results (e.g., |
| String | optional | The sorting direction of the results ( |
| Int32 | optional | Number of items per page (default is 10). |
| Int32 | optional | The page number to retrieve in a paginated result set. |
Try it right now:
Orders Object
| Integer | The index of the first item on the current page. |
| Boolean | Indicates if there is a next page. |
| Boolean | Indicates if there is a previous page. |
| Boolean | Indicates if the current page is the first. |
| Boolean | Indicates if the current page is the last. |
| Integer | The index of the last item on the current page. |
| Integer | The total number of pages. |
| Integer | The current page number. |
| Integer | The number of items per page. |
| Integer | The total number of items across all pages. |
| Array | An array of objects, each representing an order with detailed attributes such as
, and more. |
Additional Attributes
| Object | An object mapping status codes to their descriptive names. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the API call was successful. |
| Array | An array containing any errors that occurred during the API call. |
| Object | An object containing any additional data related to the response. |
Payload examples
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api-sandbox.flex-charge.com/v1/orders?orders?status=7&from=2024-03-01T00:00:00Z&to=2024-03-31T23:59:59Z&&pageSize=10&pageNumber=1' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer {the token returned by /oauth2}' \
--header 'accept: application/json'
This example call fetches orders that were completed in March 2024, showing results on the first page with up to 10 orders per page.
"orders": {
"firstItemOnPage": 1,
"hasNextPage": false,
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"isFirstPage": true,
"isLastPage": true,
"lastItemOnPage": 2,
"pageCount": 1,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalItemCount": 2,
"rows": [
"id": "12345678-abcd-1234-efgh-ijklmnopqrst",
"isGhostMode": false,
"payerName": "John Appleseed",
"merchantName": "GenericStore",
"merchantId": "abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop-qrstuvwx1234",
"referenceNumber": "ref1234567890",
"storeName": "Example Store",
"storeId": "store123",
"status": 7,
"statusName": "completed",
"amount": 45.65,
"formattedAmount": "$45.65",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"createdOn": "2024-03-06T10:09:18.437947Z",
"orderPlacedDate": "2024-03-06T10:09:25.337202Z",
"expiryDate": null,
"payoutStatus": null,
"refundsAmount": 0,
"descriptor": "product-description",
"paymentInstrumentToken": "token12345678901234567890",
"isMIT": false,
"siteId": "site1234567"
"id": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-efghijklmnop",
"isGhostMode": false,
"payerName": "Jane Doe",
"merchantName": "GenericStore",
"merchantId": "abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop-qrstuvwx1234",
"referenceNumber": "ref0987654321",
"storeName": "Example Store",
"storeId": "store123",
"status": 7,
"statusName": "completed",
"amount": 3,
"formattedAmount": "$3",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"createdOn": "2024-03-06T09:43:07.387804Z",
"orderPlacedDate": "2024-03-06T09:43:24.254865Z",
"expiryDate": null,
"payoutStatus": null,
"refundsAmount": 0,
"descriptor": "product-description",
"paymentInstrumentToken": "token12345678901234567890",
"isMIT": false,
"siteId": "site1234567"
"orderStatuses": {
"0": "Draft",
"1": "Onhold",
"2": "Cancelled",
"3": "Problem",
"4": "Processing",
"5": "Capturerequired",
"6": "Returned",
"7": "Completed"
"success": true,
"result": null,
"status": null,
"statusCode": null,
"errors": [],
"customProperties": {}
Updated 15 days ago