Subscribe to webhooks to get updates on your transactions and payouts.
Create a webhook
From your Merchant Portal, go the the section Developers
> Webhooks
> Create

1. Setup your server
Webhook payload formats
Note that FlexFactor webhook payloads are not sent in application/json format. Please ensure that your endpoint can ingest these text-based messages. The payload is in proper JSON notation, so it can be serialized and parsed upon receipt.
Enter your webhook listener URL HTTPS endpoint, and accept POST requests from our Webhooks server.

It is recommended to create one endpoint for all webhooks and not manage multiple endpoints
HTTPS protocol
Please note that the webhook sent from our system utilizes HTTPS protocol. If your server currently operates on HTTP the webhook transmission will not be successful.
2. Select the to event you want to subscribe to
Click on the event you want to subscribe to, then click Save

Order status
Result of FlexFactor action or decision on an order.
Event Name | Priority | Description |
order.refunded | CRITICAL | Occurs when the order was refunded. |
order.completed | Recommended | Occurs whenever customer approved the offer and FlexFactor created the order for processing. |
order.cancelled | Recommended | Occurs whenever an order is cancelled either by the system or by the merchant. |
order.expired | Recommended | Occurs when an MIT transaction could not be rescued by FlexFactor by then end of the expiryDateUtc . |
order.capturerequired | Informational | Occurs when the 'capture' flow is set for your configuration. This status will also be returned by the /evaluate api response. |
Seepayload examples for critical and recommended webhooks.
Payment status
Events related to payments
Event Name | Priority | Description |
payment.chargeback.received | CRITICAL | Triggered when a chargeback occurs by the customer's issuing bank. |
challenge.presented | Critical for challenge flows | Triggered when a challenge is presented to consumer. |
challenge.attempted | Critical for challenge flows | Triggered when a challenge is attempted by consumer. It doesn't indicate success or failure. |
challenge.passed | Critical for challenge flows | Triggered when when consumer successfully completes a challenge. |
challenge.failed | Critical for challenge flows | Triggered when when consumer fails to complete a challenge. |
Seepayload examples for critical webhooks.
Payout status
Events related to money transfer to your account
Event Name | Priority | Description |
payout.created | Informational | A payout was created to send funds from FlexFactor account to the merchant's. |
payout.updated | Informational | The status of a payout was updated: pending, completed, failed, or reversed. |
Application status
Events related to onboarding and application statuses. Relevant for Partner Integration.
Event Name | Description |
application.submitted | Triggered when an application was submitted and change from DRAFT to SUBMITTED status |
application.canceled | Triggered when an application was canceled and changed from any status to CANCELED |
application.approved | Triggered when FlexFactor has approved a SUBMITTED application. |
application.declined | Triggered when FlexFactor has declined a SUBMITTED application. |
application.converted | Triggered when an application was converted and changed from APPROVED to CONVERTED status. |
3. Webhook payloads
FlexFactor webhook server will send event objects to the endpoint URL set in step 1.
Fields description
Parse the event object to handle the incoming request accordingly by extracting the relevant information:
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
Event | String | The name of the event that was triggered (in the case below, "order.completed") |
TimeStamp | String | The timestamp of when the event occurred, in ISO 8601 format |
ExternalOrderId | String | An ID representing the order in the external system |
OrderId | Guid | A unique ID assigned by FlexFactor to identify the order |
ConfirmationId | Guid | A unique ID assigned by FlexFactor to identify the confirmation of the order |
IsTestMode | Boolean | A flag that indicates whether the event occurred in test mode or production mode |
IsResent | Boolean | A flag that indicates whether the event was resent due to a failure |
Payload examples
"IdempotencyKey": "e4567890-d123-4abc-5678-4abcdef56789",
"Event": "payment.chargeback.received",
"TimeStamp": "2024-11-19T01:42:04.5149433Z",
"EventData": {
"DisputeDateTime": "2024-11-18T23:20:56Z",
"Reason": "10.4 Dispute ref: 12345678-abcd-1234-efgh-567890abcdef",
"TransactionId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"InitialTransactionReference": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Amount": 4295,
"Currency": "USD"
"Mid": "11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00",
"Pid": "99887766-5544-3322-1100-aabbccddeeff",
"ExternalOrderId": "123456789012",
"OrderId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"ConfirmationId": null,
"IsTestMode": false,
"IsResent": false
"IdempotencyKey": "a1234567-b890-4cde-5678-5abcdef67890",
"Event": "order.refunded",
"TimeStamp": "2024-11-20T10:37:08.7405574Z",
"EventData": {
"Timestamp": "2024-11-20T10:37:08.6493879Z",
"Message": "Rapid Dispute Resolution, refunding before it becomes a chargeback.",
"TransactionId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"InitialTransactionReference": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Amount": 8215,
"Currency": "USD"
"Mid": "11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00",
"Pid": "99887766-5544-3322-1100-aabbccddeeff",
"ExternalOrderId": "123456789012",
"OrderId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"ConfirmationId": null,
"IsTestMode": false,
"IsResent": false
"IdempotencyKey": "a2345678-b910-4def-8123-2abcdef34567",
"Event": "order.completed",
"TimeStamp": "2024-11-19T18:00:00.0000000Z",
"EventData": null,
"Mid": "11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00",
"Pid": "99887766-5544-3322-1100-aabbccddeeff",
"ExternalOrderId": "123456789012",
"OrderId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"ConfirmationId": "12345678",
"IsTestMode": false,
"IsResent": true
"IdempotencyKey": "d1234567-e890-4bcd-91ef-1abcde345678",
"Event": "order.cancelled",
"TimeStamp": "2024-11-20T10:45:00.0000000Z",
"EventData": null,
"Mid": "11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00",
"Pid": "99887766-5544-3322-1100-aabbccddeeff",
"ExternalOrderId": "123456789012",
"OrderId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"ConfirmationId": null,
"IsTestMode": false,
"IsResent": true
"IdempotencyKey": "b3456789-c012-4fab-9345-3abcdef45678",
"Event": "order.expired",
"TimeStamp": "2024-11-19T16:30:00.0000000Z",
"EventData": null,
"Mid": "11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00",
"Pid": "99887766-5544-3322-1100-aabbccddeeff",
"ExternalOrderId": "123456789012",
"OrderId": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
"ConfirmationId": null,
"IsTestMode": false,
"IsResent": true
Webhook validation
Time to response
Your endpoint must instantly return a successful status code (2xx) prior to any complex logic that could cause a timeout.
If FlexFactor doesn’t instantly receive a 2xx response status code for an event, we mark the event as failed and stop trying to send it to your endpoint. After multiple days, we email you about the misconfigured endpoint, and automatically disable it soon after if you haven’t addressed it.
FlexFactor signature
Every event FlexFactor sends to a webhook endpoint includes a signature generated through a SHA-512 hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).
To verify that the webhook is authentic and came from FlexFactor, your service needs to recreate the same hash using the same signing secret, and compare to the signature specified in the header x-fc-authorization
header included in the webhook payload.
POST /webhook HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json
"x-fc-authorization": "HMAC-SHA512 SignedHeaders=x-fc-nonce;x-fc-date;host;x-fc-content-sha512&Signature=+HXN8ZewgINLk+uC/UI92HSWmLK7gZOECPxOGEM91ATyfyzScMF/+osEK5B0UjO7OFqahDvesSo8jmUWMZtQnA==",
"x-fc-content-sha512": "pLs0Op5VWqQM3ZIumqC2NP6MDqcnwFN1znp/oCuw9LcYd8PtvLC8ProyPg8ZDadsRc36NskT3QGKn/PkNqwWfg==",
"x-fc-date": "Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:16:40 GMT",
"x-fc-nonce": "5f1c2de28a76457c9cb79d1740f2260a",
"x-fc-signature": "SbzcEwAKsViWqrB8+suZMjOdadswbUjLHtIKjDQJYle31xbB8Vr0pVTDaNP28/y+NDynpyFyKKnXmWZy8uJVig==",
"content-length": "255",
Matching hashes
If the hashes match, it means that the webhook came from FlexFactor and has not been tampered with, and your service can process it.
Hashing functions and samples
exports.ComputeContentHash = function (payload) {
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha512');
return hash.read().toString('base64');
exports.ComputeSignature = function (secret, payload) {
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha512');
var secretByteArray = Buffer.from(secret, 'base64');
var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', secretByteArray);
return hmac.read().toString('base64');
exports.ComputeWebhookSignature = function (secret, host,
content, nonce, date) {
var contentHash = exports.ComputeContentHash(content);
var toSign = "POST\n" + nonce + ";" + date + ";" + host + ";" + contentHash;
return exports.ComputeSignature(secret, toSign);
exports.Test = function () {
// From FlexFactor Merchant Portal
var subscriberKey = "XRmKBxG5uvt1qWzqvp+T6CAbTo0MB89GTxXZD5cHA56RP7Mj4NbnHQOR1Y8uorUU9YQz8ujaVRUdm9vTSkPZSw==";
// Webhook received payload
var payload = "{\"Event\":\"order.completed\",\"TimeStamp\":\"2023-03-20T17:16:40.898703Z\",\"EventData\":null,\"ExternalOrderId\":\"a9735210-1349-49bf-bfde-b737dd07872a\",\"OrderId\":\"ac9674ed-cbfe-49aa-bc8b-eb1d2b74c429\",\"ConfirmationId\":\"22ACD1D9\",\"IsTestMode\":true,\"IsResent\":false}";
// Merchant's Webhook endpoint host
var host = "your.endpoint.com";
// From webhook's headers:
//"x-fc-nonce" header
var nonce = "5f1c2de28a76457c9cb79d1740f2260a";
//"x-fc-date" header
var date = "Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:16:40 GMT";
//from "x-fc-authorization" header
var flexChargeAuthorization = "HMAC-SHA512 SignedHeaders=x-fc-nonce;x-fc-date;host;x-fc-content-sha512&Signature=+HXN8ZewgINLk+uC/UI92HSWmLK7gZOECPxOGEM91ATyfyzScMF/+osEK5B0UjO7OFqahDvesSo8jmUWMZtQnA==";
// Extracting signature from x-fc-authorization header
var signature = flexChargeAuthorization.substr(flexChargeAuthorization.indexOf("Signature=") + 10);
// Calculating signature
var recalculatedSignature = exports.ComputeWebhookSignature(subscriberKey, host, payload, nonce, date);
var verified = recalculatedSignature == signature;
console.log("Signature verification result: " + verified);
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using FlexCharge.Webhooks.Services;
namespace FlexCharge.Webhooks.SignatureVerificationSample;
public static class Program
public static void TestMain(string[] args)
// From FlexCharge Merchant Portal
string subscriberKey = "XRmKBxG5uvt1qWzqvp+T6CAbTo0MB89GTxXZD5cHA56RP7Mj4NbnHQOR1Y8uorUU9YQz8ujaVRUdm9vTSkPZSw==";
// Webhook received payload
//var payload = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var payload = "{\"Event\":\"order.completed\",\"TimeStamp\":\"2023-03-20T17:16:40.898703Z\",\"EventData\":null,\"ExternalOrderId\":\"a9735210-1349-49bf-bfde-b737dd07872a\",\"OrderId\":\"ac9674ed-cbfe-49aa-bc8b-eb1d2b74c429\",\"ConfirmationId\":\"22ACD1D9\",\"IsTestMode\":true,\"IsResent\":false}";
// Merchant's Webhook endpoint host
string host = "fctestwebhook.free.beeceptor.com";
// From webhook's headers:
//var nonce = headers.GetValues("x-fc-nonce").First();
var nonce = "5f1c2de28a76457c9cb79d1740f2260a";
//var date = headers.GetValues("x-fc-date").First();
var date = "Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:16:40 GMT";
//var var flexChargeAuthorization = headers.GetValues("x-fc-authorization").First();
var flexChargeAuthorization = "HMAC-SHA512 SignedHeaders=x-fc-nonce;x-fc-date;host;x-fc-content-sha512&Signature=+HXN8ZewgINLk+uC/UI92HSWmLK7gZOECPxOGEM91ATyfyzScMF/+osEK5B0UjO7OFqahDvesSo8jmUWMZtQnA==";
// Extracting signature from x-fc-authorization header
var signature = flexChargeAuthorization.Substring(flexChargeAuthorization.IndexOf("Signature=") + 10);
// Calculating signature
var recalculatedSignature = HMACSHA512.ComputeWebhookSignature(subscriberKey, host, payload, nonce, date);
var verified = recalculatedSignature == signature;
Console.WriteLine($"Signature verification result: {verified}");
public class HMACSHA512
public static string ComputeContentHash(string content, string hashAlgorithmName = "SHA512")
using (var hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create(hashAlgorithmName))
byte[] hashedBytes = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content));
return Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes);
public static string ComputeSignature(string stringToSign, string secret)
using (var hmacsha512 = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512(Convert.FromBase64String(secret)))
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign);
var hashedBytes = hmacsha512.ComputeHash(bytes);
return Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes);
public static string ComputeWebhookSignature(string subscriberKey, string host,
string payload, string nonce, string date)
var contentHash = ComputeContentHash(payload);
var toSign = $"POST\n{nonce};{date};{host};{contentHash}";
return ComputeSignature(toSign, subscriberKey);
public static bool VerifyWebhookSignature(Uri webhookEndpoint, HttpHeaders headers,
string payload, string subscriberKey)
var nonce = headers.GetValues("x-fc-nonce").First();
var date = headers.GetValues("x-fc-date").First();
var flexChargeAuthorization = headers.GetValues("x-fc-authorization").First();
var signature = flexChargeAuthorization.Substring(flexChargeAuthorization.IndexOf("Signature=") + 10);
var recalculatedSignature = HMACSHA512.ComputeWebhookSignature(subscriberKey, webhookEndpoint.Host, payload, nonce, date);
return recalculatedSignature == signature;
Non matching hashes
If the hashes do not match, it means that the webhook payload has been modified or was not sent by FlexFactor, and your service should discard the webhook to prevent any potential security issues.
Updated 15 days ago