Create a new application

This endpoint allows for the submission of onboarding applications



Required key

bearer token

The auth token returned by


body fields

The following table provides an overview of the objects and fields used in the payloads:

Object / FieldTypeDescription
LegalEntityNameStringThe registered legal name of the business.
DbaStringThe "Doing Business As" name, if different from the legal name.
PrimaryContactObjectDetails of the primary contact person for the application.
- FirstNameStringFirst name of the contact person.
- LastNameStringLast name of the contact person.
- EmailStringEmail address of the contact person.
- PhoneStringPhone number of the contact person.
TaxIdStringThe tax identification number of the business.
DescriptorStringThe billing descriptor displayed on customers' statements.
CustomerSupportInformationObjectDetails for customer support.
- SupportLinkStringURL for the support website.
- SupportEmailStringEmail address for customer support.
- SupportNameStringName of the customer support team or department.
- SupportPhoneStringPhone number for customer support.
BankAccountInformationObjectBanking details for payout purposes.
- BankNameStringName of the bank.
- AccountNumberStringBank account number.
- RoutingNumberStringRouting number for the bank.
- AccountTypeStringType of bank account (e.g., "Checking").
AddressObjectBusiness address details.
- AddressLine1StringThe primary address line.
- AddressLine2StringAdditional address details (e.g., suite, floor).
- CityStringCity of the business address.
- ZipcodeStringPostal code of the business address.
- CountryStringCountry of the business address.
- StateStringState of the business address.
Owners/OwnersInformationArrayArray of owner objects detailing individuals with ownership in the business.
- TitleStringRole or title of the owner (e.g., "Founder").
- PrincipalTypeStringType of principal (e.g., "Individual", "Entity").
- FirstNameStringFirst name of the owner.
- LastNameStringLast name of the owner.
- DateOfBirthStringDate of birth of the owner (YYYY-MM-DD format).
- EmailStringEmail address of the owner.
- PhoneStringPhone number of the owner.
- PercentOwnershipStringPercentage ownership of the business.
- IndividualFormOfIDStringType of identification (e.g., "Passport").
- IDNumberStringIdentification number.
- OwnerAddressInformationObjectAddress details of the owner.
BusinessModelObjectDetails about the industry and business operations.
ProductInformationObjectDetails about the products and services offered.
VolumeEstimatesObjectEstimated transaction volume and related metrics.


Application Object

idStringThe unique identifier of the application.
statusStringThe current status of the application (Draft, Submitted, Approved).
createdOnDateThe date and time the application was created.
lastUpdatedOnDateThe date and time the application was last updated.
errorsArrayAny errors or issues encountered during processing.

Payload examples


  "LegalEntityName": "Example Corporation",
  "Dba": "Example Corp DBA",
  "PrimaryContact": {
    "FirstName": "Alice",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "Email": "",
    "Phone": "+11234567890"
  "TaxId": "987654321",
  "Descriptor": "EXAMPLECORP",
  "CustomerSupportInformation": {
    "SupportLink": "",
    "SupportEmail": "",
    "SupportName": "Customer Support Team",
    "SupportPhone": "+10123456789"
  "BankAccountInformation": {
    "BankName": "Example Bank",
    "AccountNumber": "123456789",
    "RoutingNumber": "021000021",
    "AccountType": "Checking"
  "Address": {
    "AddressLine1": "456 Sample Avenue",
    "AddressLine2": "Floor 2",
    "City": "Sample City",
    "Zipcode": "12345",
    "Country": "United States",
    "State": "NY"
  "Owners": [
      "Title": "Founder",
      "PrincipalType": "Individual",
      "FirstName": "Bob",
      "LastName": "Johnson",
      "DateOfBirth": "1975-05-15",
      "Email": "",
      "Phone": "+10987654321",
      "PercentOwnership": "100%",
      "IndividualFormOfID": "Passport",
      "IDNumber": "A12345678",
      "OwnerAddressInformation": {
        "AddressLine1": "789 Owner Lane",
        "AddressLine2": "Apt 101",
        "Country": "United States",
        "State": "NY",
        "City": "Owner City",
        "Zipcode": "67890"
  "LegalEntityName": "Tech Innovations Ltd.",
  "Dba": "Tech Innovators",
  "TaxId": "456789123",
  "CompanyInUS": true,
  "BusinessType": "LLC",
  "EcommercePlatform": "-",
  "EstablishedDate": "-",
  "MCC": "5045",
  "Descriptor": "TECH INNOV",
  "WebsiteUrl": "",
  "Description": "-",
  "PCIDSS": null,
  "CustomerSupportInformation": {
    "Name": "Customer Support Team",
    "SupportLink": "",
    "Email": "",
    "Phone": "+10123456789"
  "BankInformation": {
    "DDA": "-",
    "AccountNumber": "123456789",
    "RoutingNumber": "021000021",
    "BankName": "Example Bank"
  "Address": {
    "AddressLine1": "456 Elm St",
    "AddressLine2": "Building B",
    "City": "New York",
    "Zipcode": "10001",
    "Country": "United States",
    "State": "NY"
  "OwnersInformation": [
      "Title": "Founder",
      "PrincipalType": "Individual",
      "FirstName": "Alice",
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "DateOfBirth": "1975-05-15",
      "Email": "",
      "Phone": "+11234567890",
      "PercentOwnership": "100%",
      "IndividualFormOfID": "Passport",
      "IDNumber": "A12345678",
      "OwnerAddressInformation": {
        "AddressLine1": "789 Owner Lane",
        "AddressLine2": "Apt 101",
        "Country": "United States",
        "State": "NY",
        "City": "Owner City",
        "Zipcode": "67890"
  "BusinessModel": {
    "Industry": "Technology, Software, Electronics",
    "UrlsForFlexProcessing": [
  "ProductInformation": {
    "MainSourcesOfCustomerAcquisition": [
      "Paid Search",
      "Social Media",
      "Partnerships / Collaborations",
      "In Person Marketing"
    "MaxSubscriptionDuration": "60 Days",
    "TrialPeriod": "7-14 Days",
    "DeliveryTime": "5-7 Days",
    "ProductsSold": "Tangible",
    "RegulatedBusiness": false,
    "HealthcareRelated": false
  "ContactInformation": {
    "FirstName": "Bob",
    "LastName": "Johnson",
    "Email": "",
    "Phone": "+10987654321"
  "VolumeEstimates": {
    "AverageMonthlySalesVolumes": "$100K-$500K",
    "AverageMonthlyDeclineRate": "5%-10%",
    "AverageTransactionAmount": "$100-$200",
    "AverageReturnRate": "2% - 5%",
    "AverageChargebackRate": "0.5%-1%",
    "AverageDisputeRate": "0.5%-1%"


  "id": "application_123456",
  "status": "Submitted",
  "createdOn": "2024-11-15T10:30:00Z",
  "lastUpdatedOn": "2024-11-16T12:00:00Z",
  "merchantId": "merchant_78901",
  "errors": []