Edit an application

This endpoint allows for editing an existing application identified by its unique ID ({id}). The request payload can update specific fields within the application, such as contact details, business information, or bank account details.

Use this API in your onboarding flow to update application data during the review or correction process.



Required Key

idThe unique ID of the application to be updated.
bearer tokenThe authentication token returned by /oauth2/token for authorizing the API request.

Request Body

The request payload should include only the fields to be updated. All fields must adhere to the data format described in the table below.

Field NameField TypeField Explanation
legalEntityNameStringThe legal name of the business entity.
dbaStringThe "Doing Business As" name of the entity, if applicable.
taxIdStringThe tax identification number of the business.
descriptorStringThe billing descriptor associated with the business.
primaryContactObjectObject containing details of the primary contact person for the application.
- firstNameStringFirst name of the primary contact.
- lastNameStringLast name of the primary contact.
- emailStringEmail address of the primary contact.
- phoneStringPhone number of the primary contact.
customerSupportInfoObjectObject containing customer support details.
- supportLinkStringURL for the customer support website.
- supportEmailStringEmail address for customer support.
- supportPhoneStringPhone number for customer support.
addressObjectBusiness address associated with the application.
- addressLine1StringThe main address line.
- addressLine2StringAdditional address details (e.g., suite, floor).
- cityStringCity of the business address.
- stateStringState of the business address.
- zipcodeStringPostal code of the business address.
- countryStringCountry of the business address.
ownersArray of ObjectsArray of owners with details about individuals with ownership in the business.
- titleStringTitle or role of the owner (e.g., Founder, CEO).
- percentOwnershipStringOwnership percentage held by the owner.
- idNumberStringIdentification number provided by the owner.
bankAccountInfoObjectObject containing bank account details for payouts.
- bankNameStringName of the bank.
- accountNumberStringAccount number for the business.
- routingNumberStringRouting number for the bank.
businessModelObjectDetails about the business model and operations.
productInfoObjectInformation about the products or services offered by the business.
volumeEstimatesObjectEstimated transaction volumes, chargebacks, and disputes for the business.


Field Definitions

Field NameField TypeField Explanation
idStringThe unique identifier of the updated application.
statusStringThe current status of the application after the update.
updatedFieldsArrayList of fields that were successfully updated.
errorsArrayAny validation errors or issues encountered during the update process.

Payload Examples


cURL Request Example

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://api-sandbox.flex-charge.com/v1/application/{id} \
     --header 'Authorization: bearer {the token returned by /oauth2}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{
       "primaryContact": {
         "firstName": "John",
         "lastName": "Doe",
         "email": "john.doe@example.com",
         "phone": "+11234567890"
       "customerSupportInfo": {
         "supportLink": "https://support.example.com",
         "supportEmail": "support@example.com",
         "supportPhone": "+10123456789"


Example for a Successful Update

  "id": "application_123456",
  "status": "Submitted",
  "updatedFields": [
  "errors": []

Example for an Update with Errors

  "id": "application_123456",
  "status": "Submitted",
  "updatedFields": [
  "errors": [
      "field": "primaryContact.email",
      "message": "Invalid email format."
      "field": "customerSupportInfo.supportPhone",
      "message": "Phone number is required."