On successful transactions, queue POST /transmit.
Prerequisites to invoke this API:
- Authenticate and send the bearer token for this call.
FlexFactor will build your custom risk model based on your successful transactions. POST /transmit doesn't require an answer, so this 'fire and forget' call doesn't add latency to your transaction.
You can alternatively send us the copies of your transactions through a daily batch. Please note that copies of transactions must be sent within 24 hours maximum.
When using SFTP batches:
- Each Merchant account will have unique SFTP credentials.
- SFTP keys will be available within your merchant portal.
- Limit each SFTP file to 2000 records or less.
- file name must contain the prefix
to be picked up
Request parameters
| bool | required | |
| string | required | Your internal order ID. |
| string | optional | Source of the order |
| string | required | Numerical position of that transaction within the batch. |
| bool | required |
| object | required | See transaction fields below. |
| object | required | See payer fields below. |
| object | required | See paymentMethod fields below. |
| object | optional | See billingInformation fields below. |
| object | optional | See shippingInformation fields below. |
| object | required | See merchant fields below |
| object | optional | See deviceDetails fields below |
| string | required | Your FlexFactor Merchant Identification Number. Get your Mid |
| object array | optional | See orderItems fields below. |
| object array | optional | See additionalFields fields below. |
Try it right now: check out the /transmit Reference. or the Postman Collection
Additional parameters for MIT
A request for Merchant Initiated Transaction (e.g.: subscriptions) requires the additional following fields:
| bool | required |
| bool | required |
| string | required | Website linked to the descriptor of the subscription. |
| object | required | See subscription fields below. |
| object | required | See 3DSecure fields below. |
Detailed object parameters:
Required object
| string | required | External transaction identifier in the format of a GUID |
| datetime | required | Date and time of the transaction. |
| integer | required | UTC offset of the timezone. |
| string | optional | E.g.: 'Auth', 'Capture', 'Void' |
| integer | required | Amount of the transaction in cents. |
| string | required | ISO 4217 currency code. |
| string | required | Response code received from the gateway. |
| string | optional | Description of the response. |
| string | optional | E.g.: Approved, Declined, Voided, Refunded, Chargeback, etc. |
| string | optional | Sub-status of the response. |
| string | required | This is the source of the code from the original transaction |
| string | optional | Name of the processor. |
| string | required | Address Verification Service result code. |
| string | required | Card Verification Value result code. |
| string | required | Cardholder Authentication Verification Value result code. |
| bool | required | Indicates if the card was present during the transaction. |
(*) If this value cannot be provided, send 'NA'
Required object
| string | required | |
| string | optional | |
| string | optional | External ID |
| datetime | optional |
Optional object.
| string | required | |
| string | required | |
| string | optional | |
| string | required | |
| string | required | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2-letter) |
| string | required | |
| string | optional | |
| string | optional | 2-letter and 2-digit codes from the ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009 (supersedes FIPS 5-2) |
| string | required | |
| string | required | 5 or 9 digits |
Required object.
| string | required | |
| string | required | E.g.: Credit, Debit, Prepaid Card |
| string | required | E.g.: VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, etc. |
| string | required | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2-letter) |
| string | optional | |
| string | optional | |
| string | optional | |
| integer | required | |
| integer | required | |
| string | required | 6 character string. |
| string | required | 4 character string. |
Required object for partners only.
| string | required | External ID |
| string | optional | |
| integer | required | Merchant Category Codes used to identify the type of business in which a merchant is engaged. |
| string | required |
Optional object.
| string | required | Type of device used for that transaction (e.g., 'mobile', 'laptop', 'tablet') |
| string | required | Name of the device (e.g., 'iPhone 12', 'Samsung Galaxy S21') |
| string | required | Operating system of the device (e.g., 'iOS 14', 'Android 11') |
| string | required | Name of the browser (e.g., 'Chrome', 'Safari') |
| string | required | User agent string (a detailed string provided by the browser that identifies the browser, its version, and the operating system) |
Required object when*isMIT
** and isRecurring
are true.*
| string | required | |
| string | required | Unique reference of the transaction returned by authorisation server of the issuer. |
| string | required | Card/scheme brand associated with the subscription. |
| string | required | E.g.: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly'. |
| int | required | Amount in cents |
| string | required | |
| integer | optional | |
| integer | optional |
Required object when*isMIT
** and isRecurring
are true.*
| string | optional | Protocol version for the card payment authentication. |
| string | required | The indication of an online commerce transaction. |
| string | required | The encrypted code from the cardholder's bank. |
| string | required | The unique ID for the transaction with the bank. |
| string | optional | Transaction identifier generated by the 3D Secure system. |
| string | optional | The encryption algorithm used to secure the payment. |
| string | optional | The response status code from the bank's directory. |
| string | optional | The response status code for the payment authentication. |
| string | optional | The card's enrollment status in 3D Secure. |
Optional object.
| string | optional | The SKU of the item. |
| string | optional | The name of the item. |
| string | optional | The description of the item. |
| integer | optional | The amount of the item. |
| integer | optional | The discount amount on the item. |
| integer | optional | The tax on the item. |
| string | optional | The discount type on the item. |
| string | optional | The quantity of this item. |
Optional object.
| string | required | |
| string | required | |
| string | optional | |
| string | required | |
| string | required | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2-letter) |
| string | required | |
| string | optional | |
| string | optional | 2-letter and 2-digit codes from the ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009 (supersedes FIPS 5-2) |
| string | required | |
| string | required | 5 or 9 digits |
Optional array of object.
| string | optional | Description of the additional information. |
| string | optional | Content of the additional information. |
Once transmitted, our API will respond with a transaction key.
This key can be used to update the order object, for example with its outcome.
| Response transaction key. |
Payload examples
Request example
curl --request POST \
--url https://api-sandbox.flex-charge.com/v1/transmit \
--header 'Authorization: abc123def456' \ //replace with bearer returned by oauth2
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/*+json' \
--data '
"transaction": {
"id": "3478613",
"timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
"amount": 19975,
"currency": "USD",
"responseCode": "203",
"avsResultCode": "M",
"processorName": "Acme Payments",
"cavvResultCode": "2",
"responseCodeSource": "NMI",
"responseDescription": "Activity limit exceeded",
"responseStatus": "DECLINED",
"transactionType": "CAPTURE"
"payer": {
"id": "customer123",
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"birthdate": "1990-01-01"
"orderItems": [
"sku": "SKU123",
"name": "Product 1",
"description": "Description of Product 1",
"amount": 20000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 100,
"quantity": 2
"sku": "SKU456",
"name": "Product 2",
"description": "Description of Product 2",
"amount": 10000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 50,
"quantity": 1
"shippingInformation": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
"city": "CA",
"zipcode": "94111"
"merchant": {
"country": "US",
"mcc": 1234,
"id": "merchant123",
"name": "Acme Inc."
"deviceDetails": {
"deviceType": "mobile",
"deviceName": "iPhone 12",
"deviceOS": "iOS 14",
"browser": "Safari",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
"paymentMethod": {
"holderName": "John Doe",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"cardBrand": "VISA",
"cardCountry": "United States",
"cardIssuer": "Acme Bank",
"cardFingerprint": "abcd1234",
"expirationMonth": 2028,
"expirationYear": 12,
"cardBinNumber": "123456",
"cardLast4Digits": "7890",
"billingInformation": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
"state": "CA",
"city": "San Francisco",
"zipcode": "94111"
"mid": "a8a0a74d-2509-4cbc-9eb5-879c7a34eb45",
"orderId": "ed44736a-b5fa-4bc2-bfb9-0e873bc09511",
curl --request POST \
--url https://api-sandbox.flex-charge.com/v1/evaluate \
--header 'Authorization: abc123def456' \ //replace with bearer returned by oauth2
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/*+json' \
--data '
"isMIT": true,
"isRecurring": true,
"subscription": {
"subscriptionId": "sub_123456",
"schemeTransactionId": "txn_789012",
"schemeBrand": "Visa",
"interval": "Monthly",
"price": 2599,
"currency": "USD",
"paymentNumber": 2,
"totalPayments": 12
"threeDSecure": {
"threeDsVersion": "2.1.0",
"ecommerceIndicator": "02",
"authenticationValue": "abcdefg12345",
"directoryServerTransactionId": "ds_987654",
"xid": "xid_246810",
"authenticationValueAlgorithm": "SHA-256",
"directoryResponseStatus": "Y",
"authenticationResponseStatus": "Y",
"enrolled": "Y"
"transaction": {
"id": "3478613",
"timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
"amount": 19975,
"currency": "USD",
"responseCode": "203",
"avsResultCode": "M",
"cvvResultCode": "NA",
"processorName": "Acme Payments",
"cavvResultCode": "2",
"responseCodeSource": "NMI",
"responseDescription": "Activity limit exceeded",
"responseStatus": "DECLINED",
"transactionType": "CAPTURE"
"payer": {
"id": "customer123",
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"birthdate": "1990-01-01"
"orderItems": [
"sku": "SKU123",
"name": "Subscription 1",
"description": "Description of Subscription 1",
"amount": 20000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 100,
"quantity": 1
"sku": "SKU456",
"name": "Subscription 2",
"description": "Description of Subscription 2",
"amount": 10000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 50,
"quantity": 1
"shippingInformation": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
"city": "CA",
"zipcode": "94111"
"merchant": {
"country": "US",
"mcc": 1234,
"id": "merchant123",
"name": "Acme Inc."
"paymentMethod": {
"holderName": "John Doe",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"cardBrand": "VISA",
"cardCountry": "United States",
"cardIssuer": "Acme Bank",
"cardFingerprint": "abcd1234",
"expirationMonth": 2028,
"expirationYear": 12,
"cardBinNumber": "123456",
"cardLast4Digits": "7890",
"billingInformation": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
"state": "CA",
"city": "San Francisco",
"zipcode": "94111"
"mid": "a8a0a74d-2509-4cbc-9eb5-879c7a34eb45",
"orderId": "ed44736a-b5fa-4bc2-bfb9-0e873bc09511",
//file name: 'transmit_{yourfilename}'
//any file without the prefix will not be picked up
"mid": "123456789-987654321", //replace with your mid
"authorizationToken": "Bearer abc123def456", //replace with bearer returned by oauth2
"requests": [
//first transaction copy: approved MIT
"sequenceNumber": 1, // The numerical position of the transaction within the batch.
"IsDeclined": false,
"OrderId": "123456789", //must be unique even for test calls
"OrderSource": null,
"IsMIT": true,
"IsRecurring": true,
"SiteUrl": "https://example.com", //Website linked to the descriptor of the subscription.
"Transaction": {
"Id": "6463077f894b1f71280001eb",
"TimestampUtc": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"TimezoneUtcOffset": 0,
"TransactionType": null,
"Amount": 10000, //in cents
"Currency": "USD",
"ResponseCode": "100",
"AvsResultCode": "Y",
"CvvResultCode": "M",
"ProcessorName": null,
"CardNotPresent": true,
"CavvResultCode": "NA",
"ResponseStatus": "APPROVED",
"ResponseSubStatus": null,
"ResponseCodeSource": "NMI",
"ResponseDescription": null
"Payer": {
"Id": "6463077d894b1f71280001e6",
"Email": "example@example.com",
"Phone": null,
"Birthdate": null
"Subscription": {
"Price": 5000, //in cents
"Currency": "USD",
"Interval": "30",
"SchemeBrand": "Visa",
"PaymentNumber": null,
"TotalPayments": null,
"SubscriptionId": "123456789",
"SchemeTransactionId": "6463077f894b1f71280001eb" //Unique reference of the transaction returned by authorization server of the issuer.
"PaymentMethod": {
"HolderName": "John Doe",
"CardType": "CREDIT",
"CardBrand": "VISA",
"CardLevel": null,
"CardIssuer": null,
"CardCountry": "US",
"CardBinNumber": "123456",
"ExpirationYear": 2025,
"CardFingerprint": null,
"CardLast4Digits": "7890",
"ExpirationMonth": 12
"BillingInformation": {
"City": "New York",
"Phone": null,
"State": null,
"Country": "US",
"Zipcode": "12345",
"LastName": "Doe",
"FirstName": "John",
"CountryCode": "US",
"AddressLine1": "123 Main Street",
"AddressLine2": null
"ShippingInformation": null,
"merchant": {
"country": "US",
"mcc": 5678,
"id": "merchant456",
"name": "XYZ Inc."
"OrderItems": null,
"AdditionalFields": null
//second transaction copy: declined CIT
"sequenceNumber": 2, // The numerical position of the transaction within the batch.
"IsDeclined": true,
"orderId": "ed44736a-b5fa-4bc2-bfb9-0e873bc09512", //must be unique even for test calls
"OrderSource": null,
"isMIT": false,
"SiteUrl": "https://example.com",
"transaction": {
"id": "1234567",
"timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
"amount": 14999, //in cents
"currency": "USD",
"responseCode": "204",
"avsResultCode": "N",
"cvvResultCode": "M",
"processorName": "XYZ Payments",
"cavvResultCode": "1",
"responseCodeSource": "ABC Payments",
"responseDescription": "Insufficient funds",
"responseStatus": "DECLINED",
"transactionType": "AUTHORIZE"
"payer": {
"id": "customer456",
"email": "jane.doe@example.com",
"phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
"birthdate": "1985-05-05"
"paymentMethod": {
"holderName": "Jane Doe",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"cardBrand": "MASTERCARD",
"cardCountry": "United States",
"cardIssuer": "XYZ Bank",
"cardFingerprint": "efgh5678",
"expirationMonth": 2028,
"expirationYear": 12,
"cardBinNumber": "123456",
"cardLast4Digits": "7890"
"billingInformation": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "456 Oak St.",
"city": "NY",
"zipcode": "10001"
"shippingInformation": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"addressLine1": "456 Oak St.",
"city": "NY",
"zipcode": "10001"
"merchant": {
"country": "US",
"mcc": 5678,
"id": "merchant456",
"name": "XYZ Inc."
"orderItems": [
"sku": "SKU789",
"name": "Product 3",
"description": "Description of Product 3",
"amount": 30000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 150,
"quantity": 2
"sku": "SKU012",
"name": "Product 4",
"description": "Description of Product 4",
"amount": 25000,
"discountAmount": 0,
"tax": 125,
"quantity": 1
"AdditionalFields": null
Response example
"result" : "success",
Updated 26 days ago