List of documents

This endpoint retrieves a list of all documents associated with a specific application, identified by its unique application ID ({id}). The response provides metadata for each document, including its type, upload date, and a download URL.



Required keys

{id}The unique application identifier returned during application creation or listing endpoints.
bearer tokenThe auth token returned by /oauth2/token

Body parameters

This endpoint does not require body parameters.


Field Definitions

Field NameTypeDescription
statusStringStatus of the API request (SUCCESS, FAILED).
successBooleanIndicates if the document retrieval was successful.
totalDocumentsIntegerThe total number of documents associated with the application.
documentsArray of ObjectsList of documents with their details. Each entry includes the fields below.
- documentIdStringThe unique identifier of the document.
- documentTypeStringType of the document (e.g., "ID", "ProofOfAddress", "BusinessLicense").
- descriptionStringOptional description provided during document upload.
- uploadedOnStringTimestamp of when the document was uploaded (ISO 8601 format).
- fileNameStringOriginal file name of the uploaded document.
- fileTypeStringMIME type of the document (e.g., application/pdf, image/jpeg).
- fileSizeIntegerSize of the document in bytes.
- downloadUrlStringA pre-signed URL to download the document. Valid for a limited time.
errorsArray of StringsAny errors encountered during the document retrieval process.



  • The downloadUrl for each document is time-limited; use it promptly to download the document.
  • Ensure secure storage and handling of sensitive documents retrieved using this endpoint.
  • The response may contain multiple documents, each with its unique details.

Payload Examples


cURL Request Example

curl --request GET \
     --url{application_id}/documents/ \
     --header 'Authorization: bearer {the token returned by /oauth2}' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'


JSON Example for a Successful Retrieval

   "status": "SUCCESS",
   "success": true,
   "totalDocuments": 3,
   "documents": [
           "documentId": "document_789012",
           "documentType": "ID",
           "description": "Uploaded government-issued ID",
           "uploadedOn": "2024-11-16T10:00:00Z",
           "fileName": "gov_id.pdf",
           "fileType": "application/pdf",
           "fileSize": 524288,
           "downloadUrl": ""
           "documentId": "document_789013",
           "documentType": "ProofOfAddress",
           "description": "Uploaded utility bill for address proof",
           "uploadedOn": "2024-11-16T10:10:00Z",
           "fileName": "utility_bill.pdf",
           "fileType": "application/pdf",
           "fileSize": 1024000,
           "downloadUrl": ""
           "documentId": "document_789014",
           "documentType": "BusinessLicense",
           "description": "Uploaded business license",
           "uploadedOn": "2024-11-16T10:20:00Z",
           "fileName": "business_license.pdf",
           "fileType": "application/pdf",
           "fileSize": 2048000,
           "downloadUrl": ""
   "errors": []

JSON Example for a Failed Retrieval

   "status": "FAILED",
   "success": false,
   "totalDocuments": 0,
   "documents": [],
   "errors": [
       "Invalid application ID."

Example for Handling Errors

  • If the application ID is invalid, the API will return an error.
  • If the bearer token is unauthorized, the API will respond with an Unauthorized error.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": [
    "Invalid application ID."
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json

  "errors": [
    "Authentication failed. Invalid bearer token."